Posts tagged london
christmas in london

christmas is here! christmas is here!

i was so excited when my family and i decided to head across the pond to celebrate my favorite holiday. now i know nyc does christmas decorations pretty well, but nothing can compare to london. while everyone in my family has been to london, i’ve never been during christmas and was eager to see all of the decorations in person! from my photo locations to what we did and where we ate, i break i all down for you below!

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rain or shine

whenever i travel or have an outdoor event, i check the weather obsessively. as in i whip out the radar and become the female al roker. so before leaving for london, i knew rain was going to be was just a matter of when it was going to happen. the weather predictions seemed to change every 10 minutes so we left a lot of our planning up to fate. aside from the crazy winds our first day there (anyone remember the snap of dana's hat flying off!?), the weather seemed to be on our side. but there was one morning where we weren't so lucky.

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london // run for the notting hill

oh hello london!! it has been so long (okay okay only a year and a half) since my last trip to london but i was so excited to bring dana along this time around! one of the places i knew i wanted to revisit was notting hill. no exceptions! as the self-designated trip planner, i blocked off an entire afternoon to just stroll the streets of the cutest neighborhood in london and i still feel like i needed more time!

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